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Why Choose ART CLASSIC Furniture and Craft?
Wood Furniture manufacturer for Living & Dining solid wood furniture. Buy quality wooden furniture, sofas, table and chair, kitchens, beds, bathroom Furniture. ART CLASSIC is a wood furniture manufacturer for Living & Dining solid wood furniture. Buy quality wooden furniture, sofas, tables and chairs, kitchens, beds, bathroom furniture.
We offer a range of sustainable, hand-crafted outdoor and indoor furniture made from teak, pine, and other natural materials with a rustic finish. We’re happy to collaborate with you to create new or develop our existing designs to suit your market needs. We’re also open for contract and project orders.
Indonesian teak furniture is a great option if you are looking for wooden outdoor products which have great value over the price. Indonesian forests are one of the few countries in the world that produce the best quality teak wood, so you will get high quality wooden material for your furniture products. Beside good quality material, Indonesia is famous for wood working culture which means good craftsmanship. In our city JEPARA in Central Java, that was well known worldwide for wood carving skill that has been especially passed on from generations.
We have many experiences of producing and sending out containers of teak outdoor furniture products to American and European markets. Most of them are small to medium furniture stores and also some project managers who need a custom made furniture design which is perfect in our vision. we make classic design outdoor furniture that you may have known and seen in the regular market, but we are constantly developing new designs to give more and fresh options to our customers.
Prestigious Luxury Furniture

Our Products
We provide independent retailers and home decor professionals with quality furniture at wholesale price.
We offer various services of manufacturing contracts, including OEM and Private Buyer Label. Our professional sale team is very responsive, we will reply your email within 24 hours. We will make your buying experience enjoyable, quick and easy. We could offer professional photos with clear base for your catalogue as well. Let’s contact us to start our long-term business relationship now!
Choose beautiful custom made furniture for your bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, study and beyond from our range which includes beds, chairs, cabinets, sofas, mirrors and more – all handmade and finished to your very own specific requirements so that you can be sure that they will complement other pieces.
Currently the company is planning to expand its sales abroad and therefore is looking for a possibility to cooperate with agents, furniture wholesalers/distributors and sales representatives all around the world.
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We offer special benefits that set us apart from competitors.

The Power of Furniture and Home Decoration in your home
We make beautiful home & garden with furniture and home decoration for everyday living and modern-day homes. We build collections that tell inspiring stories with innovative design and best quality, yet remain affordable and stylish. With the customer at the heart of our business, we work with passion, consideration and skill to ensure ART CLASSIC delivers our products to our people to create beautiful, harmonious homes, made for living.

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